Saturday, January 03, 2015

Survival in Jungle (Part 1) – Long Pasia (Sabah, Borneo)

If you have ever thought of living in the wild, or wondered how it would be like to live in the jungle, then this is the one post you must read.

To be honest, I never even heard of Borneo before coming here.

But during my travel, many fellow travelers recommended this destination to me, as I was looking for somewhere primitive rather than developed attractions, so here I am.

Borneo has the third largest rainforest in the world, most travelers and tourists come here to experience nature by jungle trekking.

Although I desired for something more extreme, to experience living in jungle, also to acquire some of the skills necessary to survive in the wild.

So I went to the Sabah Tourism Board, as they’re actually the agency for tour guides that are capable to take me into the jungle.

I told this nice lady my requirements, and et voila, she got ahold of a guide that was fitting to my unusual request.

Which brings me to mentioning my guide, Lait Lakong, whom has a really impressive and unique resume.

He’s a former headhunter, not the kind that hunts people for job positions that we see nowadays, but literally hunt for people’s heads.

Other than being a jungle guide now, he’s also an artist, even holds his own exhibition and all that.
